Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Day 8 - Where I Just Eat a Dumb Salad

There's not much to say about this salad, other than it sucked. Let's take a look, shall we?

Here it is:

There's nothing special about it, and I'm sure people who like salads might actually enjoy it. It's just some mixed greens, with my standard balsamic vinaigrette, a little crumbled bacon, and a chopped hard cooked egg.

The egg is of particular interest, as you'll note that the yolk is a vivid, dark, yellow, indicating that it is VERY fresh. How fresh? Like our awesome across the street neighbor dropped it off the day before from her very own chickens. So, yea, didn't suck. In fact, it was pretty much the only redeeming thing about this salad, and that's saying a lot when you consider that there's bacon on their.

I know it's shocking to hear me say something negative about bacon, but this was low sodium bacon, and it just didn't have much flavor at all.

There is a thing about this salad that matters though: I ate it at about eight at night, when I would normally be getting into a round of fatty, later night snacks. There was a conscious decision to forego my usual treats, and eat a salad. Yep, it's small. It probably didn't have more than 150 calories to it... But that's what I ate instead of a pile of cheese and Triscuits. That's a good choice.

Also, after I ate all the dumb lettuce, I did enjoy the egg, bacon, and dressing, at the bottom of the bowl.

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